Master of Isolation!
During this time of isolation and social distancing, the WHO and CDC have instructed us to go outside and be active while maintaining a safe distance from other people. Social distancing is the new normal so we must learn to navigate this change in lifestyle to the best of our abilities. During this unusual time, we have decided to go outside and explore nature or our community every day during the month of April. We will be providing you with ideas on what to do outside either with your family, your significant other or by yourself. We all should try to stay connected to our community while still maintaining the social distancing guidelines.
Vitamin D and regular exercises have multiple benefits to mental and physical well-being. Sometimes it’s hard to get outside due to weather or just the willpower to leave the Netflix binging behind. In the Pacific Northwest, where it rains a lot in the spring, we get some beautiful sun breaks too so the light is varied from minute to minute. Other places see full sun or snow this time of year so our Sunwear should accommodate a multitude of environments. This is why RLVNT is so important to getting outside and enjoying nature! We want you to be able to fully experience the world around you!
Using technology to virtually explore places is a great tool that we are blessed to have at our fingertips during quarantine and I know the kids sure like seeing these amazing places in the world. That being said, there is nothing like actually going out and seeing beautiful things. Even just appreciating the natural beauty in our back yard is something that we don’t always take the time to enjoy. We are located in the Pacific Northwest where we are surrounded by green spaces, beautiful rivers, lakes, and the Pacific Ocean. This part of the world offers a great opportunity to utilize the RLVNT chameleon lens to accommodate for the changing light conditions. This lens treatment changes colors and shades to add contrast, no matter what kind of light the wearer is in. This allows the human eye to see the world free of glare, in contrasting light and adds more detail all around that might be otherwise overlooked. Imagine seeing through the glare to see the details on leaves and the flakes of pollen on flowers. To see the fish underwater by cutting through the glare of the sky mirrored on a lake. Imagine hiking and being able to clearly identify a deer who is taking shelter in the brush. Being able to see these things clearly can improve your invaluable time spent outdoors.
During April, we will be posting a variety of activities on several social media platforms to help you stay engaged in your community and to promote physical and mental wellness. Be sure to tag RLVNT in your pictures as you take this time to get outside and play in nature with your family! Keep checking our blog regularly for some fun and unique ways you can go play outside, no matter what the light conditions are. April is our chance to have 30 days to go play!